Great Women Sculptors

Great Women Sculptors

intro Lisa Le Feuvre


Featuring over 300 ground-breaking women sculptors from over 60 countries whose work spans 500 years from the Renaissance to the present day, this expansive and visually stunning history of women sculptors is organised alphabetically, with each artist represented by an image and newly commissioned text. Many were denied formal training due to gender, race or class, some were celebrated in their own time, while others were overlooked, and all explored a range of movements, genres, materials and techniques in creating works both temporary and permanent, large and small, for display inside and outside. Some of the biggest names in contemporary art are represented, including Louise Bourgeois, Jenny Holzer, Yayoi Kusama, Cornelia Parker, Niki de Saint Phalle, Ursula von Rydingsvard and Rachel Whiteread, alongside many lesser known artists who have made valuable contributions to a medium which defies categorisation.


Great Women Sculptors cover

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