Impressionist Places

Impressionist Places Revealed in Paintings and Photographs

ed. Miriam Leimer & Ortrud Westheider w/ photographs by Christoph Irrgang


With their light-filled landscapes, Impressionist artists created a new way of seeing nature – but what do the places they painted look like now? Inspired by the Barberini Museum’s collection of Impressionist masterpieces, and celebrating the movement’s 150th anniversary this year, photographer Christoph Irrgang travelled to dozens of locations immortalised in paintings to document the effects of time and modernisation on the landscape. Here his photographs are placed side by side with reproductions of the original paintings, with ‘before and after’ locations including the port at Le Havre, where Claude Monet painted the scene which gave Impressionism its name (Impression, Sunrise, 1872). The book even includes GPS coordinates so that you can find the sites for yourself.

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